Event: Translating Violence and Resistance
Join us for a conversation with Maaza Mengiste and Patricia Klobusiczky about languages of violence and resistance.
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Join us for a conversation with Maaza Mengiste and Patricia Klobusiczky about languages of violence and resistance.
more...Could this be love? is a bilingual anthology – all contributions are included in English and German – with personal essays on interracial relationships. It is one of the first books to be published by the newly founded InterKontinental Verlag.
more...Musa Okwonga’s book is a captivating journey in three parts. Let the narrator take you with him for a spell; you won’t regret it.
more...On September 15, the FHXB Museum will celebrate the publication of the anthology Reading the Postcolonial City. (Book and event in German)
more...London Vayavong talks to Abeer Ali about her projects Hescheck Bescheck and The Unfamiliar. The Berlin-based artist collaborates with women of diverse backgrounds to create music, dance, theatre and other forms of storytelling.
more...We warmly invite you to join us for a workshop on possible ways of dealing with politically sensitive language in translation. Join us at the Literarisches Clloquium Berlin on September 3.
more...May Ayim. Radical Poet, Gentle Rebel (not yet translated into English) was released on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of May Ayim’s death in August 2021. The book is edited by her three friends and companions Ika Hügel-Marshall, Nivedita Prasad and Dagmar Schultz.
more...The Humboldt Forum in Berlin has been a controversial point of discussion for what seems like forever. The debate about this addition to the urban and cultural landscape of Berlin has revolved around a number of issues, including the history of the site, the cost of the project, and not least the objects to be exhibited there. It is this last point that is of particular interest to us at poco.lit., since the Forum is set to be the new home for Berlin’s ‘non-European’ collections.
more...In 2019, Yasemin Altınay founded the Literarische Diverse publishing house. In this interview with poco.lit., she offers insights into her work, talks about her motivation and the challenges of the literary industry.
more...Her book Why We Matter: The End of Oppression brings together Emilia Roig’s far-ranging body of knowledge. Moving at a rapid pace, the book takes a look at the multiple facets of oppression in nearly all areas of life. Why We Matter can thus be read as a wonderfully accessible introduction to the concept of intersectionality.