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Magazin: Deutschland

How do you say Ballroom in German? (Part 1)

German-American writer, performance artist and cultural curator Sophie Yukiko looks back on a decade of creating and experiencing Ballroom Culture in Germany. With a critical look on the reproduction of powerdynamics, she tries to find out what happened between 1980’s Harlem and today while diving into the conflicts and potentials of the German scene.


Olga Grjasnowa
The Power of Multilingualism

The writer Olga Grjasnowa, whom many readers probably associate with her novel All Russians Love Birch Trees (Der Russe ist einer, der Birken liebt), was born in Baku, Azerbaijan, and came to Germany when she was eleven. In her recently published non-fiction book, The Power of Multilingualism – On Origins and Diversity (which has not […]


Yassin Musharbash

Durch diesen lesenswerten Roman ziehen sich viele Fragen: Wer radikalisiert sich eigentlich und warum? Wer hat das Recht zu entscheiden, was die richtigen Werte sind? Richtige Werte für wen?
